In a world plunged into chaos following the appearance and spread of a strange virus, life has become a living hell for the inhabitants. Food is scarce, order has disappeared and survival has become a priority. As the hero, you're going to face some tough tests. Your patience and determination will also be tested in this game, not to mention your sanity. What will you do in the middle of this chaotic universe where humans are gripped by dementia? Will you find the ideal way out of this impasse, escorted by Alice, your old friend and sister-in-law Ada? Will you follow in your fellow human beings' footsteps and lose the tramontana? It's up to you to decide!
Fatal Countdown - immoral List of Desires hints at the outcome of the story. The women are in disarray and become sexual objects. But what about you? Will you do the same to Alice and Ada, the two women you've taken under your wing, or will you manage to save them?
Scour the town, collect medicines and equipment, find food supplies, build a solid defense base to be safe enough during the day, and make new allies. You need them to increase your strength tenfold and fight your opponents. Relax to the max with the 6 beautiful pussies in heat offered in the game. There's no censorship so you can enjoy the moment to the full . You can even get a close-up of your conquests' breasts or buttocks. Fatal Countdown - immoral List of Desires also gives you the option of a threesome if you want to take things further. So why not make the most of it right now?
◆Story Ike had been living a quiet life in a relaxed, otherworldly world, but one day Ike was forced to say goodbye to that life and found himself in all kinds of trouble. A thief and a horned sorceress invade Ike's life😈. How can Ike use his wits and strength to get through this difficult time and win the hearts of these beauties? ◆Characters Ali🗡️ As a slu...
AI can do more than just calculate, it can also turn into a super cute robot girlfriend, but her cuteness might be a little more than you can imagine🤫? ⚠️Caution⚠️Although it is an AI girlfriend, in addition to personality customisation, the characters and CG ar...
Drama mode, free mode! Once you have defeated them with your strength, you can "play" with the two heroines as much as you like💋 Battles feature a variety of abilities, skills and gems, as well as a dynamic clothing destruction system💎!
●Story After many years of work, I could now say I was able to live a fairly good life. However, I had no goals in life; I just went to work and got off work in an everyday cycle. One day, I took advantage of the alcohol and shouted out to the sky that I wanted a girlfriend—and then, there was actually a beautiful, young woman☄️. “I’m just a low-level succub...
Meng transforms into your exclusive desktop pet, a super cute bunny girl who will be with you every day🐰 There are more costumes to change into👘, with a variety of black stockings, bare feet, white socks of fatal temptation🧦, a foot in your heart💗
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