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Porn game developers are constantly looking for ways and ideas to satisfy the curiosity and desire of fans of the genre. That's why ZetanDS has come up with Desert Stalker. Making the most of the video games S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Fallout, the game's scenario is both sensational and original. Meet characters with whom you'll have a relationship based at times on violence and affection, while gorging yourself on ultra-bandy sex scenes with them.
Fans of old-time heroic films will feel right at home in Desert Stalker's story, setting and stakes.
In concrete terms, once you've loaded the game onto a suitable medium, you'll be assigned the role ofa stalker in the Egyptian desert. The appearance of cities ravaged by the apocalypse conceals secrets that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the end of your journey. Hidden treasures, harem battles and quests await you on Desert Stalker. Interaction with the game's other characters, including pretty girls from different tribes, rulers and submissives, will lead you to make decisions and position yourself as a gentleman or tyrant.
To round things off, background music and top-notch sound effects subtly furnish the game. Your preferences will be recorded through content options and pre-elaborated filters. The mistake would be not to play. So get out there and conquer the dunes for fun and money on Desert Stalker!
Antonioย -ย 4/25/2024
This game is great.
Julienย -ย 4/26/2024
Bon jeu pour se branler !!!
Desert StalkerRelease date:
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