City of Broken Dreamers - Version 1.14.0 Chapter 14

Updated on Jul 18, 2024

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Game size: 35.70 MB. The download and decompression of the game can take up to 2 minutes with a stable internet connection.

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Play to City of Broken Dreamers

City of Broken Dreamers

City of Broken Dreamers is an exceptional game for adults, based on a visual novel with outstanding narrative quality. In the year 2042, millions of people are living in Los Angeles, where the gap between rich and poor is glaringly obvious. The government is powerless against the authorities of the rich. The same is true of the police, who are annihilated by the power of mercenaries. That's where you come in, because you're one of these mercenaries, and you'll be joining an elite group called Ghosts.

Somewhere, a young girl is the object ofa confrontation that is about to destroy a city. You must intervene urgently to find her. Some good guys will rally to your cause, but your enemies will do everything they can to derail your mission. These characters have different dreams and inspirations. Can you handle all the action going on in this city with all these broken illuminati?

The 3D characters and robotic prostheses of the humanoids in this erotic game have been well crafted. Cars of the future, glittering neon lights, huge explosions, realistic rainfall and illuminated skies - what sensational elements! The decor of the clubs and apartments and the wardrobe of the various actors add an exotic touch to City of Broken Dreamers.

Last but not least, the animations are top-notch, with exhilarating renderings of the many sex scenes. The way these scenes are integrated into the story is equally impressive. The sound design adds the finishing touch, taking you into another dimension of virtual pleasure.

Take your time to enjoy and discover the exciting world of City of Broken Dreamers!

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