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La plupart du temps, on ne se rend compte de l'importance de ce qu’on a qu’après l’avoir perdue. Et My New Memories est un jeu qui va vous apprendre à apprécier ce que vous possédez de plus précieux : vos souvenirs.
Incarnez le personnage principal, un jeune homme qui a perdu la mémoire après un accident qui a failli lui coûter la vie. Suite à cet événement tragique, on vous a admis à l'hôpital et c'est là que vous retrouvez petit à petit vos esprits. Seulement, à votre réveil, vous n'avez aucun souvenir de ce qui s'est passé. Votre femme qui était avec vous au moment de l’accident est encore plongée dans un coma profond. Seul le temps vous dira si elle se réveillera ou non. Pourtant, elle semble toujours avec vous en apparaissant dans vos rêves pour vous montrer des événements passés que vous avez oubliés.
Dans cette rude épreuve, vous n’êtes pas seul, car votre famille vous apporte le soutien dont vous avez besoin. Et dans cette lancée, pour retrouver vos souvenirs, vous allez vous redécouvrir et il en est de même quant à la relation que vous avez entretenue avec votre femme. La suite de l’histoire va dépendre de vous et de vos choix.
Dans ce roman visuel qu’est My New Memories, il a des scènes de nudité et des scènes obscènes qui ajoutent une touche de profondeur au jeu. Vous serez submergé non seulement par l’histoire, mais surtout par les animations dynamiques dotées d’un réalisme sans pareil. Les personnages sont uniques et ils ont leur propre personnalité que vous vous ferez une joie de découvrir.
My New Memories est également un jeu qui se construit autour de la romance et de l’amour. Vous n’allez pas regretter d’y jouer, alors téléchargez et installez les fichiers correspondants dès maintenant sur Linux, Windows, Android et Mac !
Hello there Steam Community and everyone participating in it! It has been... A long time, actually. Again. I feel like this has ( sadly ) become a standard thing to open up a post here for me, which sucks. I know I apologized for it a thousand times by now already, but I still want to apologize for not keeping you guys up to date. The thing is... There is not really much to report regarding My New Memories at the moment. After I released the sequel on January 1st and, thanks to that, had a good start into the new year, the "old" despair settled in again because my assets are still in the hands...
Hello there Steam people! It has been...Well, a too long time since I last posted about my situation and what is going on in general. I'm really sorry about that, but the month of August is a pretty "traumatic" one for me, especially this time because I had to do things that were very, very uncomfortable. Let me talk about this first, if you don't want to read stuff that is about my personal life, just skip this section and jump to the next paragraph. Anyway, as most of you probably know, my equipment has been seized by the police exactly one year ago. While the initial allegations are basical...
Like the title says, the Steam page for My New Memories: The Beginning is now available for wishlisting! It also has a trailer, but if you don't want to watch it on Steam, I'll embed it below as well! Wishlisting helps me out a lot so if you could do that, I would be very grateful! Okay, now that this is out of the way, I want to address a few things that came up again recently. Some of you made their frustration very clear with the current situation and trust me on this, no one is as frustrated about it as I am. My New Memories and it's characters a...
Hello there Steam people! Can't believe it has been such a long time again...But a lot has happened recently and while some news are good, others are kinda neutral. No bad news so far though, so I guess that is good, right? First, the Steam page for the prequel is currently being checked by valve. The weekend is inbetween, so I expect that it will be approved tomorrow ( Monday, the 27th ). Then you will be able to wishlist the game and get all the info you need. I also put a little #faq there where I explain why the prequel exists and what my plans going forward. So the good news is that the c...
Hello there you amazing Steam people! It has been over a month already since I shared what's going on with you so I feel like now is a good time for an update. I will start with some personal stuff which has been happening these last few weeks and then I'll update you on the current status of the game and the concrete plans for the prequel going forward. Last week I had my hearing as witness/side plantiff regarding a case that lead to one of the suspects ( the main suspect, actually ) to frame me to the german Police which ultimately lead to them confiscating all my hardware and harddrives. No...
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